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Alexander Technique workshop with Tommy in Dorsten, Germany September 8-10

Alexander Alliance Europe

is very honored to present another


September 8th–10th 2023

Tommy Thompson's visit in May made a landmark inthe lives of many of us.

We are enchanted, delighted, changed….. In the midst of immense Alexandrian expertise, Tommy showed us what it means to be human. Humility and heroism are surprisingly close. Our hearts are wide, wide open for another immersion with him. This time, everything will be centered around table!

Here is, what Bruce Fertman says about Tommy:

”Tommy explores and uses the Alexander Technique as his vehicle through which he guides his students into living more compassionately conscious and self-embodied lives. Use is too narrow an arena for Tommy. He is interested in personal transformation. Tommy wants to expand Alexander’s work beyond the workings of the body into the workings of the heart and soul. That is where Tommy’s work lives. He is a person who is entirely himself, who teaches through who he is.”


September 8th-10th 2023

Schedule: Friday 15:00 - 18:00 training

19:00 dinner

Saturday 09:30 - 12:30 training

13:00 lunch

15:00 – 18:00 training

19:00 dinner

Sunday 09:30 – 12:30 training

13:00 lunch

14:30 – 17:30 training


Hof Tüshaus, Weselerstr.433, 46286 Dorsten


300,- € students at the Alexander Alliance

350,- € early bird until August 1st 2023

375,- € normal fee

Payments to: Alexander Alliance Europe,

Workshop Tommy Thompson (2)

DE 28 4306 0967 1289 6190 00


You can sign up for homemade dinner (2x) plus lunch (2x): 44,-€


Accommodation possible at Hof Tüshaus,

Contact Margarete Tüshaus,,



Mails to Margarete Tüshaus,


Provided if needed

Private lessons?

Possible Friday morning September 8th or Monday , September 11th

45 minute lessons €135

60 minutes lessons €155

If already signed up for the workshop the following:

45 minute lessons €120

60 minute lessons. €140

We are very much looking forward to seeing many of you in September at Hof Tüshaus

Weselerstr. 433

46286 Dorsten

Your Alliance Team

Later Event: March 9
Tommy in Osaka, Japan